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Kamen America, Volume 9 starts the 3rd saga in the ongoing tale of our heroine as she and her friends venture towards an uncertain future! Carly has to come to terms with the loss of a loved one and the media's hammering at her shattered public persona. While she continues to march onwards, the manipulative Cynthia Prestige sets her own plans in motion -- but can she trust Zener Techno after the events of the last saga? And how does the anarchic street gang Madd Shadou play a role in all of this, both at home and abroad? Kamen America, Volume 9 continues the high stakes action readers have come to expect, punctuated by moments of levity and crafted on a foundation of classic storytelling!


"Charlotte 'Carly' Vanders was a fashion designer whose fate was changed the day a cosmic collision transformed her into a supercharged henshin heroine! Shedding her corporate overlords and driven by American grit and determination, she is the patriotic paladin known as KAMEN AMERICA!"



  • Kamen America, Volume 9: Patriot Dream KA Variant, Hardcover -- The full-length campaign version. 64 page total, 56 story pages plus 8 pages of epilogue and artwork! Comes in a standard hardcover format for extra durability and presentation! Regular cover artwork by Timothy Lim (標準カバーイラスト: ティモシー・リム); Back cover artwork by Rainy Nebula (裏表紙イラスト:Rainy Nebula)


Creative Team:

  • Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
  • Art by Timothy Lim (イラスト:ティモシー・リム)
  • Written by Mark Pellegrini (作者: マーク・ペレグリニ)
  • Lettering by Timothy Lim (イラスト:ティモシー・リム)

Kamen America, Vol 9: Patriot Dream - Hardcover

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