Kamen Academy - Collected into one single hardcover tome! This series ran for 2 years as a free-to-read Webtoon comic and is a fictional spin-off of the main series.
Carly and her friends decide to film a local cable-access TV show called "KAMEN ACADEMY" that features them in an academic setting. Now you can own the physical collection of the multi-episode series!
- Kamen Academy Hardcover --Includes the 124+ page physical Kamen Academy hardcover collection, Cover by GYOSONE.
Creative Team:
- Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
- Art by Timothy Lim (イラスト:ティモシー・リム)
- Written by Mark Pellegrini (作者: マーク・ペレグリニ)
- Lettering by Timothy Lim (イラスト:ティモシー・リム)
Kamen Academy Hardcover
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