Welcome to Kamen America Gaiden! "Gaiden" is Japanese for "Side Story!"
Carly Vanders was just the girl-next-door who dreamed about being a fashionista when her world was suddenly transformed after being hit by cosmic debris! Shedding her corporate and media overlords and imbued with the American spirit of self reliance and self determination, she is the patriotic paladin now known as KAMEN AMERICA! Based on the hit independent comic series.
- 146 pages
- Hardcover
- Collects the original Kamen America Webtoon Series - detailing Kamen America's early years - plus bonus art and a new episode
Creative Team:
- Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
- Art by Timothy Lim
- Written by Mark Pellegrini
- Cover by 8HUSA
- Back Cover by KAFUN
- Additional Art by...
- Ermao Wu (Florida Girl)
- Flork of Cows
- Nunchan
Kamen America Gaiden - Hardcover
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