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  • Kamen America, Volume 10: Liberating Strife, Hardcover -- The 64 page, physical hardcover copy of Volume 10 featuring  cover art by ART OF NEIGHT.


  • Kamen America, Volume 10B: Liberating Strife, Variant Hardcover -- The 64 page, physical hardcover copy of Volume 10 featuring KAMEN COMET cover art by ALERIIA V.


  • Kamen America, Volume 10C: Liberating Strife, Variant Hardcover -- The 64 page, physical hardcover copy of Volume 10 featuring cover art by SON CHAPO.


  • Kamen America, Volume 10D: Liberating Strife, Variant Hardcover -- The 64 page, physical hardcover copy of Volume 10 featuring Limited AMERICAN GOTHIC cover art by ART OF NEIGHT.


  • Kamen America, Volume 10E: Liberating Strife, Variant Hardcover -- The 64 page, physical hardcover copy of Volume 10 featuring cover art by ALERIIA V.


Creative Team:

  • Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
  • Art by Timothy Lim (イラスト:ティモシー・リム)
  • Written by Mark Pellegrini (作者: マーク・ペレグリニ)
  • Lettering by Timothy Lim (イラスト:ティモシー・リム)


The Kamen Corps are in Texas-sized trouble! Finding themselves in a precarious situation, the team must confront Kamen Unity during a tense standoff with a rancher and his land. Zener Ecto and Zener Psycho are on the scene -- but what do they want with his patch of land, and how does it fit into Cynthia Prestige's greater scheme? Slowly but surely, answers are given as we proudly celebrate our 10th volume in just under 4 years of publication!


"Charlotte 'Carly' Vanders was a fashion designer whose fate was changed the day a cosmic collision transformed her into a supercharged henshin heroine! Shedding her corporate overlords and driven by American grit and determination, she is the patriotic paladin known as KAMEN AMERICA!"

Kamen America, Vol 10 - Cover Collection Bundle

$150.00 Regular Price
$100.00Sale Price

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